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Game Name : Sims 2, The
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-12-20 14:40:01
Views : 16403

Business career
To master the Business career you must have Body at level 9, Logic skill at level 9, and Charisma skill at level 7.

All objects
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press L2, Circle, Down, Left, Up while playing the game.

Cheat Trophy
While playing the game, press L1, R1, Up, X, R2. The Cheat Trophy (actually a Plumb Bob Trophy which resembles a metal post) will now appear on the lots and the following codes may now be enabled:

Christmas tree
Delete some walls so the game thinks it is outside. Get a pine tree and put it inside.

Controlling a dead Sim
Kill your Sim. There are a lot of ways to do this, but starting a fire is the fastest. Once your Sim is dead, switch to direct control (if not already in it). As a dead Sim you can walk through walls and talk to Sims. Terrorize, Wail, and Possess are social options dead Sims can do. However, you cannot actually possess Sims out of Social mode. These social options have no effect on other Sims, but are amusing. You can also challenge the Grim Reaper in fiddle challenge. You have an unlimited number of chances to try this. If you win, your Sim will come back to life. You can also pay the Grim Reaper 100 Simoleons for a Back To Life Ticket.

Sick meal:
With any meal you make using Llama, no matter what the effect, any Sim that eats it will vomit.

All locations
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press Circle, L2, Left, Circle, Up, Circle while playing the game. Select the Cheat Trophy, then Interaction/Location: Unlock/Unlock All Locations.

Live by yourself
Get a job for everybody that lives with you. Then, enable the "Advance time by 6 hours" code and send them to work. Before they come back, enable the "Advance time by 6 hours" code again. Do this every day before the people come back. Note: You cannot do this when you are a ghost.

Development team picture:
Press Right, Down, Right, Down, Right at the title screen.

Set Skill level
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press Triangle, Circle, Square, R2, Left while playing the game. Select the Cheat Trophy, then Interaction/Location: Change Skill - [name]/Change to [number].

Full motives
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press Up, Circle, Up, Right, L2 while playing the game. Select the Cheat Trophy to access the option to fill all motives.

Easy money:
When you need some money and own a "Defective Arcade Genie Lamp" you can keep making wishes and you will get money eventually. However, the genie can also cause fire and make all the characters in the area of the lamp to pee themselves if you make him mad. When he is mad he will come out of his lamp with red colored smoke beneath him. However, if he is giving you something good the smoke will be purple or pinkish. It is best to perform this when you first get a house so that you can get your money and not risk losing any items you have purchased. Note: If you talk with the genie, he gives you small advice and hints occasionally.

Forced friends
If you need friends, get a Hot Rock Hot Tub, or move to Tranquillity Falls where they already have one. Invite over who you want to be your friends and get them in the hot tub. Then, put objects around it so they cannot get out. Leave them in there long enough and they will become your friends. Note: Get out before your hunger goes all the way down or else they will die.

Know when neighbors pass
To know when there is going to be a neighbor passing your house, look in the street to the far right. When a neighbor is going to appear, you will see the shadow of a person with its arms and legs out on the right of the street.

Getting married
Get your Friendship level up to 80 or 90. If the background is very red and blurry, select "Be on" the socialize menu and go to a bed. Select "Relax", then choose the bed again. Select "Woo whoo" once, then press Circle to get out of the bed. Select "Socialize" and if you are in love, select "Propose" and hope that the other Sim says yes.

Unlocking clothes:
Get your Sim's relationships to 100 with everyone. Every time you raise another relationship to 100, you will unlock a new article of clothing.

Business career bonuses
When you get to level 6 in a job you can ride in a limo. When you get around level 9 you will get to fly in a helicopter.

All fashions
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press Square, R2, Down, Right, Square while playing the game.

Avoid being fired
If you miss your ride to work on your second day of missing work, before it says you have been fired, quickly find another job by looking in the newspaper or the Internet. Once you have avoided the call to get fired, you can change back to your previous job without being demoted and getting deducted skill points.

All recipes
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press R2, Square, Up, Down, Right, X while playing the game.

Avoid being fired:
If you accidentally miss your ride to work on your second day of missing work, before it says you have been fired, quickly find another job by looking in the newspaper or the Internet. Once you have avoided the call to get fired, you can change back to your previous job without being demoted and getting deducted skill points.

9,999 Simoleons
Enable the "Cheat Trophy" code, then press R1, L1, R2, Right, Left while playing the game. Select the Cheat Trophy, then Interaction/Location: Give Simoleons.

Secret room
Follow these basic steps to make a room where a Sim can just hang out. First, make your house simple with a bedroom with beds one square apart against the wall that has the outside on the other side. Then, put a simple closet door between the two beds. Make that door go into a room that is 4x4 squares apart. On the opposite side of the closet door, put another door, and cover it up with a tall bureau on one side and a bureau one square in front. Then, make a spooky hallway that leads to a fun, secret room. Finally, put a deck floor for the hallway, rug for the closet, and rug for the hallway. Also, do not put lights in the closet or scary lights in the hallway. Note: Do not over stuff the secret room or there will be a fire.

Mode switch:
Press Select to toggle from Direct Control mode to Cursor Select mode.

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